Wednesday, March 21, 2007


RSD = reflex sympathetic dystrophy
CRPS = Complex regional pain syndrome (the new name for RSD)

RSD is a catastrophic disease that has no cure. It causes extreme pain, burning, swelling and skin and nail changes. The chronic pain causes RSD patients to guard the affected limb which in itself causes problems. Emily is unable to use her ankle, her foot just wont pull up. Her entire foot is so painful that a breeze can send it into excruciating spasms therefore I am unable to touch her to give her comfort. Emily has contracture in 2 toes on the left foot which basically means that they are being dragged under her foot and have locked in that position. They are both red and inflamed and extremely painful, this makes weight bearing on this leg extremely difficult. Contracture is also present in her hamstring causing her leg to remain bent.

To learn further about RSD please click the link above.

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