A devastating week ... Emily is suffering from a severe UTI so was placed on an IV. We've had everything from chronic pain, fever, seizures, a hand the size of a baseball with huge fingers, hospital politics and exhaustion. By today Emily was questioning not only what kind of god would do this but also why she's alive. I questioned if I could keep up this pace without losing my mind. Tomorrow is a new day with new possibilties and we will embrace it. I don't know the answers, I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other ...
helen I am so sorry you two are going through this is a hard disease to deal with I know. We will be up to see her this weekend tell her I am thinking of her everyday. renee
Please give her a big gentle hug for me. I am so sorry that she has to fight this terrible disorder. It is sad for an adult, but I think it is just cruel for a child.
So sorry to hear about your dear sweet Emily is suffering so bad. There are not enough words for me to say to express my pain I feel for you and your family. Be strong you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope this UTI goes away fast. We miss you at WW:)
Emily,Helen,& Robert,
Were so sorry that this has happened to Emily. RSD is very painful and it seams that on cold or rainy days it is worse. Just stay stong for her because she needs lots of love. (Helen) I know that's not a problem for you. We hope the best for her. RSD is a pain that make you feel like your skin is on fire all the time and the is no meds. that help that. You have bad days and good. And for a child I'm know this is very hard. My god bless you all and bring better health.
Just know there are other's out there that care.
Love always,
The Wright's
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