Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Day 3 of school

One more day left of school. It doesn't seem like an entire school year has passed already. I can honestly say that I will happily put this year behind me and mark it down as a disaster. I got a politically correct email from the principal which I responded to but I have no energy to deal with that stuff right now. I think I my stress level peaked this week so I'm trying to focus on the stuff I can control. My emails were clearly forwarded to Emily's teachers and I can tell from their faces that they are unhappy with what I said but I still feel that more should have been done for Emily. In reality both of Emily's teachers are Awesome and it's not their fault at all. Emily doesn't know about all of this happening behind the scenes but she can tell that her teachers are a "little off" towards her.

It was the skate party last night and Emily came home upset and frustrated. She used to LOVE to skate, watching the others zoom around was a little much for her. She was very depressed last night, lots of why me, when will and what ifs. I can't answer many and I try not to attempt to "rescue" or "fix" because I can't and it wont help in the long run so I wrapped her in a blanket and we watched TV together until midnight.

I took her in to get her AFO fixed on Monday and I'm happy to report that the reddening was reduced last night. She still got a little red patch above the old blister site but better than before. They just heated the plastic and pushed out the heal area. It's pretty clever.

Today we are back at Cooks for Play Therapy, this should help Emily a little today I hope! Darn it I think I need some play therapy!

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