Friday, May 18, 2007

A very long day ...

I had a "I'm sorry that this happened" email from the school but it's really not OK. I responded with this ...

I'm so tired of making excuses for everyone. You and I were never going to meet with Emily present today, the meeting was to discuss her future and you and I both know that some things are not for her ears. We spoke at 12:07 yesterday. That gave you over 3 hours to walk the 300 yards to Emily's class and announce that she was coming back today. 3 hours for a scrap of paper to be passed around the class to be signed and 3 hours to get her desk set.

It would have taken 2 minutes to let me know that the awards ceremony was last week. It would have taken me 10 minutes to make a special award for the 3 kids that had major surgery this school year in Emily's class and 5 minutes for me to drop them off. It would have taken a smart person 2 seconds to realize that with 2 disabled children in class and 1 child recovering from foot surgery a skate party was ridiculous.

It would have taken you less time than it's taken me to type this email for you to fulfil my simple request which would in turn have helped make a small child feel welcome and like her battle meant something to more than just me.

You have 1000 children but only a handful with problems like Emily. My wish for you is that you learn from my constant battle so that maybe, just maybe you won't make this mistake again with another child, another family. For Emily the smallest gesture would have done. To have this taken care of smoothly and to have the school help Emily return to school quickly, safely and in an organized manner would have taken away some of the burden I carry everyday. To make families fight when they are already fighting to regain some control in their lives is inexcusable because the stress is indescribable.

It took me 3 months and over $1000 of my family's money to create that beautiful mosaic that you walk past everyday. I hope from now when you see it you remember that Chisholm let my daughter down.

I pray that you never find yourself in my position ...

Funnily enough I didn't get a reply.

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