Saturday, October 27, 2007

Check ups

We several doctors on Wednesday.

Neurology first at Cooks. Emily's doctor here is realistic but kind and was shocked to see how far Emily had come in the 5 months since we last visited. He diagnosed Emily back in March I remember the day well. Emily fell asleep in the car and I cried all the way home. 2 conditions were diagnosed, RSD and peripheral nerve damage. I was told that the future was cloudy and unknown. Seeing his face as Emily walked in was pure bliss for me and I almost burst with pride!

Pain Management was next. Dr F. also delighted with Emily told me that somehow I have to get Emily to Arkansas to the RSD specialist there. She may need nerve blocks to help slow the spread and they can't do them here. Right now money is so tight that I can't even entertain this but I'll do my best to get her there after Christmas.

Both doctors were happy to see her medication free and impressed with her strength and determination. Yayyyyy Emily!

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