Monday, October 15, 2007


Emily's hair has started coming out in clumps. Today when I went to put her hair in a ponytail I noticed a big clump of her hair missing and small strands are sticking up. Last week I noticed that her hair was uneven on one side. Emily has shoulder length hair and it's all one length so I'm confused as to why she has a patch by her ear that's very short. I took Emily in to have her hair trimmed last Wednesday and it looked wonderful. The hairdresser never commented on short areas and I sort of wondered if she'd messed up and cut it by accident. Today this patch is new and unmissable. I've hunted in her bedroom and I haven't found any hair or haircutting implements and I know that it's the last thing she'd do because she loves her hair.

I do know that hair is a direct window into the central nervous system and when that's not healthy nor is your hair. Through bouts of severe stress my hair has often been dead straight, scary straight so I know this first hand and I can also see a difference in the texture of Emily's hair. This disease has taken so much from Emily, it needs to leave her hair alone. If she loses her hair I'll cut all of mine off too and we'll have a baldathon to raise money to buy us matching Dolly Parton wigs. Back off RSD, BACK OFF!


burrsmom said...

I'll join you!! I am going to stand by you through thick and thin. (groan!!)

Hellen said...

LOL Oh my goodness, I can't believe you just typed that LOL You're amazing, I love you :)