Sunday, October 07, 2007


I watched a show tonight with Pete, it was about gigantism. This lovely family had a little girl with gigantism and it was localized to her head. She had eye tumors and bone growth in her ear. Her head was huge and threatened to cut off the optic nerve causing her to go blind. This time last year I would have watched such a show with a definite degree of separation. Not my child... Obviously I would have been horrified and most likely shed a few tears, I hate seeing people suffer. This lovely Mom described how one day she does well and other days she just finds "it all to much". She fears what the future holds for her daughter and grieves the loss of the dreams that she once had for her child. I watched in silence, I can relate. I've met many people now with RSD and all have spreading. Some have this disease all over including internal organs and many find everyday life a challenge and others get by each day with the help of many medications. With Emily will it spread? Will this rob her of college, a husband, a family of her own? Actually, who knows. None of us know what's round the corner so I'll continue to do my best to support my child the best I can. I know I'm going to have days that will make me panic but they pass pretty quickly because it doesn't help anyone especially Emily.

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