Sunday, October 07, 2007


Last night one of our cats snuck into Toms room. Tom was asleep on his bed on the floor (we had out of town visitors) and the cat climbed onto the bookshelf over him. When she knocked his drink over she was frightened and jumped down. Unfortunately she landed on Tom's face seconds after the cup hit and she cut him really badly. I heard the band but no blood curdled scream followed so I thought all was well. oh my goodness how wrong could I be. Poor Tom had a gash 3 inches long running along his eyelid. I stopped the bleeding and rushed him to cooks where he had 12! stitches!! He also has a half circle cut on his head where the plastic cup hit and a scratch across his forehead. He looks like he's been in a car accident. We arrived home at 4:30 am sore but so happy that Tom didn't damage his actual eye. Today his eye is bright purple and swollen, he's going to have a shiner. We were told that the police would need to interview us and animal control would come, add that to the new medical bill and whoop Dee Doo we have a party LOL My son didn't lose his eye, bring it on!


Unknown said...

How much to pay me to not tell them you beat him up???? lol Or is this not a good time to joke??? Poor Tommy Pickles!! The scar will make him look tough and attractive when he's older!!!
How did the garage sale go??? Great i hope X

burrsmom said...

Like you don't have enough going on?

Hellen said...

Poor little guy!